Thursday 7 September 2017

Learn to Sail Like a Pro from the Quest Brisbane

You may know this, or not, but the sea, the world ocean or simply the oceans cover over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, so is it a question to learn to sail, or it is a question of survival? Do take it serious. Being one with nature is serious, handling the unexpected is serious, relying on yourself and your own means is serious, and above all, fun is serious. So, if you want to learn to sail Brisbane then consider The University of Queensland Sailing Club.

The University of Queensland Sailing Club is a non-profit sailing club run by the students of UQ, St. Louis. All the members and the executive team of the sailing Brisbane club comes from numerous international backgrounds, and studying countless disciplines. Our main aim to open this sailing club is to promote youth sailing at home and abroad through technical training and social facilitation.

Sailing is an uplifting undergo. You can do it to relax, to sail the oceans looking for an adventure, or maybe just to have some fresh seafood. Both ways, sailing can be a path to determine yourself or for performance. At the University of Queensland Sailing Club, we provide the broad range of events and activities to suit everyone’s abilities. You cannot find anything easier than to learn how to sail and you have so many options how to do it. Maybe is on your to do list or you feel compelled to do it. In that case, you are in luck. There are so many places you can start to learn, and if you are in Brisbane then nothing is better than The University of Queensland Sailing Club Brisbane. Here you can surely find a fitting course, time, or skill wise, or just to practice and improve your sailing skills.

To sail, you have to know a few water safety techniques, which you can also apply in your everyday life. They can be valuable and convenient. CPR, Water safety, Boat handling. The QUEST Brisbane can be a self-trust boost, provide the patience and awareness trainer, and also develop & grow your multitasking abilities.

The ocean air is almost free from the inland pollution, so do not take this lightly. Just breathing this clean air is great for your mind and body. And while you are sailing, you will exercise every muscle of your body and also will also stimulate your mind. While sailing, nothing is the same, you always have to be in awe of the weather and water conditions. On a flat surface, you can relax, be at the helm, and just watch the horizon. Or you can find yourself on your toes, if the conditions change, all hands on deck, maneuvering the boat, constantly watching the elements. So sailing can be very relaxing, but is also a pursuit that maintains your mind alert.

There is no better word to describe the sailing and learn to sail Brisbane, better than “fun”. Learn how to sail is easy and rewarding, but you have to be patient, ambitious, and motivated. We welcome everyone to join the QUEST, absolutely no sailing experience is required! 

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